Shaping Digital Strategy in a Fast-Changing Auto Industry

Automakers and parts suppliers at our Detroit roundtable describe challenges and successes along the digital transformation journey.
December 31, 2023
Futuristic digital rendering of a car with technology icons floating above, representing vehicle safety, performance, and analytics, as a technician analyzes data on a tablet.
Shape your digital strategy amid rapid changes in the auto industry on our US blog. Stay ahead with insights and best practices.
Portrait of Brandon Speweik wearing a dark blazer and white shirt, smiling confidently.
Connect with Brandon Speweik at GFT.
Brandon Speweik
Head of Industry Sales and Strategy
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The automotive sector is seeing dramatic changes

Start with better data

Find solutions that scale

Make the business case

One of our participants
Who helps lead digital change at a large automaker

Foster the free flow of data

Manage the people part