• Major Contender de services d’implémentation Guidewire

Major Contender de services d’implémentation Guidewire

GFT a été désigné par le cabinet d’analystes Everest Group comme Major Contender et Star Performer dans le cadre de l’évaluation PEAK Matrix® 2023 des services Guidewire
A vibrant, abstract image with streaks of colourful light in blue, pink, purple, and red, symbolising GFT's recognition as a Major Contender and Star Performer in Guidewire Services by Everest Group in 2023.
GFT has been recognised as a Major Contender and Star Performer in Guidewire Services by Everest Group in 2023. This dynamic and colourful visual symbolises GFT's commitment to excellence in the insurance technology sector. Learn more about our award-winning services and industry leadership.
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Rapport des analystes
Impact sur le marché et capacité à fournir des solutions

Reconnu comme Major Contender et Star Performer

Points forts
Télécharger maintenant

Recevez le rapport « Focus on GFT »

Cover of the Everest Group PEAK Matrix® report focused on GFT, titled "Everest Group PEAK Matrix® for Guidewire Services Providers 2023," published in December 2022. The report is displayed at an angle on a dark background.
GFT is prominently featured in the Everest Group PEAK Matrix® for Guidewire Services Providers 2023, reflecting our excellence in delivering top-tier Guidewire services. This report, published in December 2022, highlights GFT's industry leadership and capabilities. Explore the insights from this comprehensive analysis.
Aaditya Jain
Everest Group
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