• Agente bancário no Google Cloud

Agente bancário no Google Cloud

Desenvolvido por GFT Reino Unido
12 junho 2024
Os Agentes Bancários de IA Generativa são revolucionários no Customer Service. O Assistente Inteligente é otimizado para acelerar a operação eficiente da implementação. Ele aproveita o Google Vertex AI e o principal mecanismo do serviço bancário desenvolvido pela Thought Machine.
A smiling woman using a smartphone with a large mobile screen beside her showing a chat interface with GFT branding.
This video thumbnail for GFT Banking Agent features a smiling woman engaging with her smartphone, highlighting the user-friendly experience of the banking agent. The large mobile screen beside her displays a chat interface with the GFT logo, emphasizing the seamless and interactive communication provided by the banking agent. The background elements add a dynamic touch, symbolizing the advanced technology and efficiency of the GFT Banking Agent in providing personalized customer support and services.

Interface avançada de banco de varejo

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